Friday, November 10, 2006

A day of mixed emotions

Today I feel a weird combination of goodness and badness..

On the bad side:
- I haven't done any work on my Java-project at all today
- I'm hungry
- I miss Composite (and most of all C# - Java is making me a bit angry)

On the good side:
- I went to a guest lecture at ITU today, with Anders Hejlsberg himself.. He spoke of C# 3.0 and the new features they are implementing, and a few times he kinda blew me away, although I've seen most of the stuff before in previous preview-bits. Anyway, it was a cool experience, and definetly woth the time.

After the lecture I went to a house-warming reception at some software company that is currently building a whole new e-commerce application. Hmm... Interesting guys there... Then I stopped by Composite HQ to check how things where, and had a long discussion with a dude there about the W3C DOM spec and how .NET and Java implement it differently. Cool!

So now I'm still hungry, and still have a lot to do, so I better get started :-)

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